Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Henry & Gretchen

Have you ever gone so far out of reality that everything seemed real, or was it real but seemed imagined? Has it ever seemed that you are just some character in a story book or that you can relate your life with a character from a different story book? Well I know two children who felt that they could relate really well to story book characters, until the happily ever after turned into crocodiles, red knights on horses, and a teasing imagined house made of candy.

Once there were two children who were playing in the woods. They were fairly close to home; however, they were out of hearing range. They thought that they were playing until they realized that they were being chased be red knights on horses. They began to run, faster and faster they ran with the wind in their hair. Then they came to a river that was infested with crocodiles. This was fairly strange to them because they had never noticed it before. They leaped into the air to cross the river. It was either let the sword-holding knights chase them or take their chances with the crocodiles. They chose the crocodile infested river because there was a fifty-fifty chance, the knights gave them a zero percent chance.

They were blinded by the sun as it shone through the tree tops. They could smell candy, which was very strange considering they should only smell the evergreens. They heard the river crashing and splashing below. They felt free, like they were flying. The smell of the candy was making them imagine eating it. They could taste the candy in their mouths. As the sun cleared from their eyes, Henry and Gretchen saw the most amazing thing that they ever had. They saw an entire house made completely from candy. Gingerbread walls, melted sugar formed into windows, mint flowers, licorice window frames and gutters, and so much more. This amazing house reminded them of the story “Hansel and Gretel”. They were excited to stuff their faces full of candy but nervous to meet whoever lived there.

The crocodiles stopped the knights on their horses. Henry and Gretchen can’t seem to remember anything about the story except that there was a house made of candy. They ran to the house like a group of knights on horses were after them, which was true a few seconds ago. They each go to take a bite, but as they chomp down they realize that it isn’t really there. The horses, the knights, the crocodiles, the candy, the house, and the creek being more than a foot wide, were all just their imagination. And, as you know, children usually have terrific imaginations.