Apple Crumble
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Things come and go but memories stay forever. Life is full of mysteries and after each comes memories. Each memory has special quality.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Henry & Gretchen
Have you ever gone so far out of reality that everything seemed real, or was it real but seemed imagined? Has it ever seemed that you are just some character in a story book or that you can relate your life with a character from a different story book? Well I know two children who felt that they could relate really well to story book characters, until the happily ever after turned into crocodiles, red knights on horses, and a teasing imagined house made of candy.
Once there were two children who were playing in the woods. They were fairly close to home; however, they were out of hearing range. They thought that they were playing until they realized that they were being chased be red knights on horses. They began to run, faster and faster they ran with the wind in their hair. Then they came to a river that was infested with crocodiles. This was fairly strange to them because they had never noticed it before. They leaped into the air to cross the river. It was either let the sword-holding knights chase them or take their chances with the crocodiles. They chose the crocodile infested river because there was a fifty-fifty chance, the knights gave them a zero percent chance.
They were blinded by the sun as it shone through the tree tops. They could smell candy, which was very strange considering they should only smell the evergreens. They heard the river crashing and splashing below. They felt free, like they were flying. The smell of the candy was making them imagine eating it. They could taste the candy in their mouths. As the sun cleared from their eyes, Henry and Gretchen saw the most amazing thing that they ever had. They saw an entire house made completely from candy. Gingerbread walls, melted sugar formed into windows, mint flowers, licorice window frames and gutters, and so much more. This amazing house reminded them of the story “Hansel and Gretel”. They were excited to stuff their faces full of candy but nervous to meet whoever lived there.
The crocodiles stopped the knights on their horses. Henry and Gretchen can’t seem to remember anything about the story except that there was a house made of candy. They ran to the house like a group of knights on horses were after them, which was true a few seconds ago. They each go to take a bite, but as they chomp down they realize that it isn’t really there. The horses, the knights, the crocodiles, the candy, the house, and the creek being more than a foot wide, were all just their imagination. And, as you know, children usually have terrific imaginations.
Once there were two children who were playing in the woods. They were fairly close to home; however, they were out of hearing range. They thought that they were playing until they realized that they were being chased be red knights on horses. They began to run, faster and faster they ran with the wind in their hair. Then they came to a river that was infested with crocodiles. This was fairly strange to them because they had never noticed it before. They leaped into the air to cross the river. It was either let the sword-holding knights chase them or take their chances with the crocodiles. They chose the crocodile infested river because there was a fifty-fifty chance, the knights gave them a zero percent chance.
They were blinded by the sun as it shone through the tree tops. They could smell candy, which was very strange considering they should only smell the evergreens. They heard the river crashing and splashing below. They felt free, like they were flying. The smell of the candy was making them imagine eating it. They could taste the candy in their mouths. As the sun cleared from their eyes, Henry and Gretchen saw the most amazing thing that they ever had. They saw an entire house made completely from candy. Gingerbread walls, melted sugar formed into windows, mint flowers, licorice window frames and gutters, and so much more. This amazing house reminded them of the story “Hansel and Gretel”. They were excited to stuff their faces full of candy but nervous to meet whoever lived there.
The crocodiles stopped the knights on their horses. Henry and Gretchen can’t seem to remember anything about the story except that there was a house made of candy. They ran to the house like a group of knights on horses were after them, which was true a few seconds ago. They each go to take a bite, but as they chomp down they realize that it isn’t really there. The horses, the knights, the crocodiles, the candy, the house, and the creek being more than a foot wide, were all just their imagination. And, as you know, children usually have terrific imaginations.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Jenny the snow-girl was a crabby snooty soul,
And the children say she had a decaf
Coffee just the same as you and me.
Thumpetty thump thump,
Thumpetty thump thump,
Look at Jenny go.
Thumpetty thump thump,
Thumpetty thump thump,
Over the hills of snow.
With a pebble mouth and a carrot nose
And two eyes made out of mole.
Jenny the snow-girl is a fairy tale, they say,
She was made of snow but the children
And two eyes made out of mole.
Jenny the snow-girl is a fairy tale, they say,
She was made of snow but the children
Know how she came to life one day.
There must have been some magic in that
Old silk scarf they found
There must have been some magic in that
Old silk scarf they found
For when they placed it on her head
She began to slump around.
O, Jenny the snow-girl
Was alive as she could be,She began to slump around.
O, Jenny the snow-girl
And the children say she had a decaf
Coffee just the same as you and me.
Thumpetty thump thump,
Thumpetty thump thump,
Look at Jenny go.
Thumpetty thump thump,
Thumpetty thump thump,
Over the hills of snow.
Monday, December 13, 2010
As I am born into the world I can smell my own burning flesh. It hurts terribly, but finally the door opens. It was pitch black but now the light blinds me. I am taken out of the heated cave and my browned to perfection skin goes from burning to cooling in a matter of minutes.
As I sit here I can hear the doorbell dinging, and the children singing too. I can see some friendly candy canes over on the tree, but friendly is not how the scene is or feels. I am being coated in a snow-like substance. I can smell hot chocolate.
I am moved onto a different flat surface. It has a picture of a person on it. All of a sudden the lights go out again, this time it is very strange because when it goes out, a noise comes on. I can't tell where it's coming from, it might be coming from the stereo like the Christmas music is, or it was, it went off when the lights went out. Someone goes down the chimney and comes out the fireplace. I guess that was what the noise was. The strange chimney man walks over to where the candy canes are resting on the tree. Then he comes over to us. The cookies around me shriek with terror. He picks me up, I can't tell what's going on but his snow white beard tickles my frosting. Everything is happening too fast. Everything goes black.
He bit my head off first and it landed in his big old jelly belly. I guess I'm a better tasting Christmas cookie than I thought.
As I sit here I can hear the doorbell dinging, and the children singing too. I can see some friendly candy canes over on the tree, but friendly is not how the scene is or feels. I am being coated in a snow-like substance. I can smell hot chocolate.
I am moved onto a different flat surface. It has a picture of a person on it. All of a sudden the lights go out again, this time it is very strange because when it goes out, a noise comes on. I can't tell where it's coming from, it might be coming from the stereo like the Christmas music is, or it was, it went off when the lights went out. Someone goes down the chimney and comes out the fireplace. I guess that was what the noise was. The strange chimney man walks over to where the candy canes are resting on the tree. Then he comes over to us. The cookies around me shriek with terror. He picks me up, I can't tell what's going on but his snow white beard tickles my frosting. Everything is happening too fast. Everything goes black.
He bit my head off first and it landed in his big old jelly belly. I guess I'm a better tasting Christmas cookie than I thought.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Persuasive Letter
2468 Banana Boulevard
Pineapplous, Garden State
Dear Mommy and Daddy,
Do you remember when I was younger and you promised that, when I was older, you would buy me a hamster? Well now I am considerably older. So pretty please with a cherry on top, can I instead, have a ferret? When I ask this think of a ferret sitting in a pet store for the rest of its life, you don’t want that do you? It’s your choice you know. All you gave me for company was a brother, I need a pet friend. I see your point of waiting until I am more mature, but now I am.
In the past you have had the worry that I wouldn’t want to clean its cage, but I promise to treat taking care of it like it was homework, which we both know I take very seriously. I will even use my own money (when I have some) to help with any expenses. Christmas is coming up and a ferret might make a great gift. I will ask everyone for money for Christmas and my birthday to help with expenses. Even though you don’t think you like ferrets, you will definitely get used to one.
Love, Your Caring, Intelligent, Mature,
P.S. Hamsters are acceptable too, but no rats! Unless the rat has a fancy hat!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Dear Mommy and Daddy,
Can I pretty please with a cherry on top, have a ferret. I know you have said no before but now I much more mature. If I don't get a ferret then that is one more animal that has to sit in a pet store for the rest of their life. You don't want that to happen do you?
I should get a ferret to keep me company. I only have one younger brother so I need someone to keep me company.
If I had a ferret then I would clean his cage lime it was part of my homework.
I would take care of him, clean him, and love him. With my high inteligence I would make sure to get him all the things that he needs to survive I will love him with all my heart. I will even use my own money (when I have some) to help with any expences.
Christmas is coming up, and a ferret would be a great gift. You always say, "When your older". So now I am older, and ready for a pet of my very own.
Your loving, mature, inteligent,
P.S. A hamster would be fine as well. There are very cute and loveable just like me.
P.S. P.S. A ferret is cute and loveable too.
I should get a ferret to keep me company. I only have one younger brother so I need someone to keep me company.
If I had a ferret then I would clean his cage lime it was part of my homework.
I would take care of him, clean him, and love him. With my high inteligence I would make sure to get him all the things that he needs to survive I will love him with all my heart. I will even use my own money (when I have some) to help with any expences.
Christmas is coming up, and a ferret would be a great gift. You always say, "When your older". So now I am older, and ready for a pet of my very own.
Your loving, mature, inteligent,
P.S. A hamster would be fine as well. There are very cute and loveable just like me.
P.S. P.S. A ferret is cute and loveable too.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Nothing Ever Happens On Spruce Street
"Nothing ever happens on Spruce Street!" Rose cried from her perch. Her writing instructor had told the class to write a story. Writing a story was easy for Rose, but her instructor had said to write a non-fiction story about the people who lived on her street. This was more difficult to write about, because in Rose's opinion "nothing ever happens on Spruce Street." Spruce Street is the name of the well kept street that she lives on.
Although Rose was shy towards others, however while holding paper and a pencil, her writing was very creative, and expressive. She had a very vivid imagination so as to accomplish this. She was determined not to just write the story, but to make the story stimulating.
From her perch, on the roof, she could see her entire neighbor hood, her road was a very small, bright, cul-de-sac on the edge of town, when you looked at it you normally got a warm feeling in the pit of your stomach because of how inviting it seemed. Normally when someone uses the term "in the pit of your stomach" you think automatically that whatever feeling is there is going to be a bad one, however I used it to describe a good feeling because that was the only way to get my point across. All of the houses on her street had well kept lawns and hedges. The houses were also all brightly, funky, colored so that it looked like you were standing in the middle of a rainbow.
Rose could see Mrs.Pine gardening while her five year old son, Casper, ran around the yard with a blanket tied around his neck like a cape. It looked as though he was pretending to be a superhero.
Rose liked to sit on the roof while writing because the bright red shingles gave her many ideas for one story after the next. This spot also gave her a panoramic view of the scenery.This panoramic view is what had her convinced that nothing exciting ever happens on her street. If something were to happen then she would be the first to know. She was absolutely correct about that, but as for being correct on her accusation, you will have to read the rest of the story to find out about that.
While the wonderful writer was working, her family was having a garage sale. A raven was ripping across the rough winded, rolling clouded, reflective sky. The rough wind ruffled it's black feathers and rocked the raven off the right course. The raven crashed into a bulky, marine blue book that smelled musty, the book had been sitting on the roof. The book slipped off the roof and hit Mr.Truant in the head. While everyone in the neighborhood rushed to his aid Rose was writing frantically in her writing book.
Rose climbed down to see if Mr.Truant was alright.When she got down Mrs.Olen was studying the book carefully. "This is mine," she told me in a calm but distant voice, I thought see was crazy, everyone did, she was old and nobody ever knew what she was talking about. And I most certainly knew that that was not her book, I had bought it from the bookstore myself. But I listened anyway. She told of how she was actually the author of this fantastic book. I was amazed, I suppose she isn't as crazy as we all thought. Mrs.Olen is really just a brilliant old lady with a great talent, trying to survive in this hardship world.
After her story I was startled when the sound of tiers rolling up the driveway pulled me out of my thoughts. I turned to my head to the sound to see a black, shiny, limo with it's black tiers rolling right up our driveway. A limo? In my driveway? I walked forward to see who was in it. The limo driver got out of the front seat and opened the back door. It was Gina Gray-Star, one of the few amazing, fully talented actors of all time! She is my favorite actor, she plays the best parts in all of my favorite movies, like she was Freida in The Free Gal. She also played Jenny in The Hopscotching tournament.
Gina took one look at my illuminated, red roofed house and smiled wider than I ever thought she could. she even smiled wider than the time she smiled on the television when she won three Emmy awards in a row. I managed to squeak out a, "Hi there."
She was wearing a deep yellow dress that you could only see the bottom because of her light blue coat. She was also wearing a dark blue scarf that complimented her pale skin and hazelnut eyes nicely.
Gina Gray-Star looked back at me as I took all of this in and admittedly smiled even wider. "You must be the owner of Rickety-Anne," She declared rhetorically.
"Who is Rickety Anne?" I asked.
"It is not a who, it is a what," she corrected me.
"Well then who is it?" I corrected myself .
"Why it's the house of coarse," She told me like I should have known already. "I used to live here, I come back and visit each year. Then she went into detail telling us about about how this house used to belong to her. Well, I don't know about you, but living in a house that my role model used to live in, is not only a coincidence but it is also so amazing.
So after Mr.Truant convinced everyone that he was okay and everyone, including Gina Gray-Star, had a piece of cake that I baked that morning, the limo was pulling away with Gina calling out, "Good-bye, see you again next year." Everyone waved until the limo turned the corner.
Over all it was a good day. I finished my story, found out that Mrs.Olen wasn't crazy, and, of course, I met Gina Gray-Star. The one thing that I will never forget though is... Something Always Happens On Spruce Street!
Although Rose was shy towards others, however while holding paper and a pencil, her writing was very creative, and expressive. She had a very vivid imagination so as to accomplish this. She was determined not to just write the story, but to make the story stimulating.
From her perch, on the roof, she could see her entire neighbor hood, her road was a very small, bright, cul-de-sac on the edge of town, when you looked at it you normally got a warm feeling in the pit of your stomach because of how inviting it seemed. Normally when someone uses the term "in the pit of your stomach" you think automatically that whatever feeling is there is going to be a bad one, however I used it to describe a good feeling because that was the only way to get my point across. All of the houses on her street had well kept lawns and hedges. The houses were also all brightly, funky, colored so that it looked like you were standing in the middle of a rainbow.
Rose could see Mrs.Pine gardening while her five year old son, Casper, ran around the yard with a blanket tied around his neck like a cape. It looked as though he was pretending to be a superhero.
Rose liked to sit on the roof while writing because the bright red shingles gave her many ideas for one story after the next. This spot also gave her a panoramic view of the scenery.This panoramic view is what had her convinced that nothing exciting ever happens on her street. If something were to happen then she would be the first to know. She was absolutely correct about that, but as for being correct on her accusation, you will have to read the rest of the story to find out about that.
While the wonderful writer was working, her family was having a garage sale. A raven was ripping across the rough winded, rolling clouded, reflective sky. The rough wind ruffled it's black feathers and rocked the raven off the right course. The raven crashed into a bulky, marine blue book that smelled musty, the book had been sitting on the roof. The book slipped off the roof and hit Mr.Truant in the head. While everyone in the neighborhood rushed to his aid Rose was writing frantically in her writing book.
Rose climbed down to see if Mr.Truant was alright.When she got down Mrs.Olen was studying the book carefully. "This is mine," she told me in a calm but distant voice, I thought see was crazy, everyone did, she was old and nobody ever knew what she was talking about. And I most certainly knew that that was not her book, I had bought it from the bookstore myself. But I listened anyway. She told of how she was actually the author of this fantastic book. I was amazed, I suppose she isn't as crazy as we all thought. Mrs.Olen is really just a brilliant old lady with a great talent, trying to survive in this hardship world.
After her story I was startled when the sound of tiers rolling up the driveway pulled me out of my thoughts. I turned to my head to the sound to see a black, shiny, limo with it's black tiers rolling right up our driveway. A limo? In my driveway? I walked forward to see who was in it. The limo driver got out of the front seat and opened the back door. It was Gina Gray-Star, one of the few amazing, fully talented actors of all time! She is my favorite actor, she plays the best parts in all of my favorite movies, like she was Freida in The Free Gal. She also played Jenny in The Hopscotching tournament.
Gina took one look at my illuminated, red roofed house and smiled wider than I ever thought she could. she even smiled wider than the time she smiled on the television when she won three Emmy awards in a row. I managed to squeak out a, "Hi there."
She was wearing a deep yellow dress that you could only see the bottom because of her light blue coat. She was also wearing a dark blue scarf that complimented her pale skin and hazelnut eyes nicely.
Gina Gray-Star looked back at me as I took all of this in and admittedly smiled even wider. "You must be the owner of Rickety-Anne," She declared rhetorically.
"Who is Rickety Anne?" I asked.
"It is not a who, it is a what," she corrected me.
"Well then who is it?" I corrected myself .
"Why it's the house of coarse," She told me like I should have known already. "I used to live here, I come back and visit each year. Then she went into detail telling us about about how this house used to belong to her. Well, I don't know about you, but living in a house that my role model used to live in, is not only a coincidence but it is also so amazing.
So after Mr.Truant convinced everyone that he was okay and everyone, including Gina Gray-Star, had a piece of cake that I baked that morning, the limo was pulling away with Gina calling out, "Good-bye, see you again next year." Everyone waved until the limo turned the corner.
Over all it was a good day. I finished my story, found out that Mrs.Olen wasn't crazy, and, of course, I met Gina Gray-Star. The one thing that I will never forget though is... Something Always Happens On Spruce Street!
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