Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Persuasive Letter

2468 Banana Boulevard
Pineapplous, Garden State
FE2 2ET         
Dear Mommy and Daddy,

Do you remember when I was younger and you promised that, when I was older, you would buy me a hamster? Well now I am considerably older. So pretty please with a cherry on top, can I instead, have a ferret? When I ask this think of a ferret sitting in a pet store for the rest of its life, you don’t want that do you? It’s your choice you know. All you gave me for company was a brother, I need a pet friend. I see your point of waiting until I am more mature, but now I am.

In the past you have had the worry that I wouldn’t want to clean its cage, but I promise to treat taking care of it like it was homework, which we both know I take very seriously. I will even use my own money (when I have some) to help with any expenses. Christmas is coming up and a ferret might make a great gift. I will ask everyone for money for Christmas and my birthday to help with expenses. Even though you don’t think you like ferrets, you will definitely get used to one.

Love, Your Caring, Intelligent, Mature,

P.S. Hamsters are acceptable too, but no rats! Unless the rat has a fancy hat!

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