Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My New Puppy

“Please mom, please!”
Here we were at a sale in the church hall and there was the cutest puppy I had ever seen for sale and I wanted her all to myself. All that was going through my head was, “my parents are going to say no”. All I wanted was that sweet innocent puppy to call my own, I could taste the cookies that my parents bought my from the bake sale stand, and I could see all the people looking back at me with their curious eyes. After lots of begging, I finally heard my parents agree, as long as I understand that the new puppy was my responsibility. I said that I understood, even though I wasn’t really paying attention, and that I would watch her closely.
On the car ride home we decided to name our new dog Nala, We got the name from The Lion King. We were almost home when we realized that we didn’t have any dog supplies so we took a U turn and went dog shopping. While we were in the store I got to hold Nala in my coat, can you believe it, my coat! She was so soft against my skin, I could feel her fur against my neck, and I could also smell her fresh puppy scent. While we were there we got food and dog treats, which are very important for a growing dog, a dog bed, rest is very important, even to dogs, and lots of toys and tennis balls, to keep her fit and healthy.
When we finally got home we had to set up all our new puppy stuff, which took what felt like forever. I had to take my puppy outside a lot so that she didn’t have any accidents.
We took lots of pictures with my new puppy and me, most of which we can’t find now. My puppy had a nap and I sat there with her. My dog ate and I sat there with her. I did many things with my puppy that day. When it was bed time I begged my mom to let my puppy sleep with me and so she said yes. The next day I had to clean up my puppy’s dodoL. A lot of the time Nala is a pain but I love her none the less. So my dog may be a pain but she is my BEST FRIEND FOREVER! J


  1. I think your story really told a lot, of how you got Nala. There are some great descriptive words, that I would have never thought of. Overall it's a great story. Love it :)

  2. I like how discriptive it was and how much you explained. One thing I would change is maybe adding a little more.

  3. my cats name is nala

    okay description

  4. Lots of interesting images...short and sweet! Keep writing!
