It started as a very fine day. Everyone who's anyone was sitting in the audience around me, we were all waiting for the unveiling of the most amazing invention of all time.
While we waited I observed the swaying grass and the cobbled steps, I observed the sunny sky and the main park in The Apple Gardens. As I was viewing all of my surroundings I heard a horn that immediately took me right out of my thoughts. The mayor walked onto the old, wooden stage in The Apple Gardens, he looked very pleased with himself. He turned his head away from the microphone and cleared his throat. As he turned his head back his forehead glistened in the sun.
He started speaking but nobody could hear him, it wasn't working, this was going to take longer than it is supposed to. They brought the podium out here to the stage on a truck as well as the microphone so its no wonder it doesn't work. Why can't they just leave it hooked up, then when it was time to announce something they would be able to just get it done, over with, finished. But no they have to take the microphone and use it all over the city, then lock it up at night to make sure that it doesn't get stolen, the only problem with that theory is that nobody would ever steal a hundred pound podium with a microphone on it, and anyone who did would be absolutely crazy.
Finally they got it working and the mayor announced the unveiling of the...COTTON BALL! It was amazing how loud an audience could get when they wanted to. It was amazing how many things a cotton ball can do, but a napkin could do all that too. So I just don't understand why cotton balls are so fantastic, or why everyone is lining up right now to buy a package of them. Anyone who knows me knows that when I talk like this it is because I am stressed. Are you wondering why I am so stressed? Well, it is because I have to get to my auntie's wedding and having everyone take extra time to do everything is not helping me get there. I felt guilty not coming to the unveiling so I decided that it would be done in time for everything to work out smoothly.
So now I'm running to my car in high heels and a dress trying to make it to the wedding on time. When I started driving I realized that I got lucky, all of the lights were green by the time I got to them and I made it to the wedding just in time.
I went straight into the back to get ready, and to get away from all those cotton balls.When I got into the back everyone was stressed, panicked, and flustered. I went straight to where the my auntie, the bride, was. She was almost in tears. She had gotten her hair done by a professional but the hair spray wasn't working very well and so the hair was starting to flop.
"I need help!" she cried to me. "Help me fix my hair on my wedding day." I had to make her hair stay up for at least the ceremony. But anything and everything done was just messing it up.
Then I had an idea, I had to help my auntie. No matter how much I hated cotton balls, my auntie was more important than my pride. So I filled the part of her hair that was flopping with cotton balls, It worked so well that, even though they didn't need it, all of the brides maids wanted their hair done that way.
So that is how my auntie's wedding got saved and I made a friend to cotton balls. So if you are ever in need of anything, think about what cotton balls can do first, you may just be surprised.
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