I can taste the salt in my mouth, when I go up for air I can smell it too. The colours, the rush of adventure, that is what I love. The sound of the water and all of it's creatures. I can feel the seaweed on my chilled skin. I can see my objective, my goal, my ambition. The object that I am now after. I am almost there, I can feel it.
I am swimming in the ocean. I am diving in the sea. It is so peaceful and tranquil here, it is like my second home. I can feel the shells in my hand as I put them into my underwater adventure bag. People say that I can hold my breath longer than anyone they know, others say that I should go into competition, none of them ask what I want, I want to explore the ocean and all of it's many opportunities. Everyday after school I come into the ocean and see what I can find, I have starfish, and shells, I have rocks and coral. But what I am about to get is going to top it all off.
I can see something shiny in the distance. It is sitting in an underwater cave like rock. I am almost there, but wait, there are the predators of the ocean guarding it. The shark, I can't define it's beauty or it's type. What I can define is that I have to see what that something is, by whatever means necessary. I go up to the surface for another breath of air. I can hear the gulls and the waves crashing against the shore. The shore may be a long ways away but I have gotten used to it and can often even hear it from my bedroom. I can smell the fish and saltwater. Some may say that the smell of salt water, after a while, can get too overpowering to stand, but not for me. I could smell it all day, in fact, I do smell it all day.
I have bait, a piece of dead fish, from my house on land. It was in a plastic bag in my adventure bag, but now it is in my hand, and I am getting ready to throw it into the water as far as I can. I throw it, it is flying through the air. As it lands in the water it makes a splash. I dive back down into the beautiful water that I call my home. I see the shark swimming in the opposite direction. Now I am free to go and take a closer look at the phenomenon. As I get closer I see that it is a piece of jewelry, it is a necklace. I get closer and pick it up. It has green gunk on it, I brush it off. It is beautiful. It is in the shape of a shell, but it is gold like a sand crab. I put it into my bag to observe it closer on land. As I go up to the surface of the water, to end my trip and go to land, I can feel my heart beating. It is like a drum.
I get to shore and look in my bag, the necklace is gone. Back into the sea for someone else to discover, or for me to find on a different day.
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