Here I am on my deathbed with everyone who ever cared about me all around me and I'm only 13 and this is the story of how that came to be.
I woke up, in our small house in California, one morning and my mother was out picking up some things, like usual. I went to the kitchen to get breakfast. On the counter was a letter, it read:
Dear Alana,
I am out to buy groceries and get the results from your testing that you had done. Please get the news paper, from out on the porch, and finish your homework.
From, Syd.
Syd is my mother's nickname, her real name is Sydney, she believes that it is important that everyone is equal so that is what I call her to make us equal.So after breakfast I went to get the mail and, oh goody, there was a letter for me. It was from my grandmother, she was wishing that I have a good 14 birthday in a month, and as usual she sent the letter ahead of time. I got home to finish my homework, which all I had to do was finish reading my book and complete a page of questions about it. By the time I was finished I could here Syd's car coming up the driveway. I heard the door open and I heard the door close. "Alana come down here please," Syd called.
When I got down the stairs Syd was waiting on the couch, I walked to the couch and sat down. She started to cry. "It's not fair to keep you in suspense so I'm just going to come right out and say it, you're going to die in one month." I couldn't move, I couldn't breath , all I could do was just sit there and stare.
My eyes flutter open the light is bright so I am forced to close them again. I hear footsteps, I don't know where I am. The footsteps come into my room. They close the blinds, I try opening my eyes again, they take a moment to adjust, Syd is standing there. "No more time will be wasted, we are going to blow all the money in the bank before you die."
How did I get to my room," realizing where I was as I took in what she had just said.
"I brought you up here now come on, you are all packed up and ready to go so let's go."
And so that is how it all started, not only having that scene but having such a crazy mother. So we spent the next while doing outrageous stuff and traveling the world.
We went hot air ballooning in Mississippi, all the people looked like tiny ant. The balloon was very colourful, it was red, orange, yellow, blue and black. We rode elephants in Thailand, what a bumpy, but fun ride. We spent a bit of time in one of the little towns in Thailand. We swam with sharks and dolphins in Orlando, Florida, the sharks were scary but the dolphins were just plain awesome.
In the end we had lots of fun doing crazy things, we even finish of a bank account, but the whole time I was worrying about what would happen once we got home. Thirty days later we were back in town, but not at home, we were in the hospital. I was scheduled to die tomorrow. I was not regretting anything, I was impatient for my time to finally be over. I had lived the last month the way I had always dreamed. The only thing that I can tell you is "Don't wait to be on your deathbed to live your life right."
The one request that I gave my mom was to "Be Happy Don't Worry." I died on the thirty-first, the day that I was scheduled to. I was buried. I will always watch over my loving, caring, mother, for as long as she lives, which won't be to long seeing as she has no money to live on.
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